Here are answers to various questions we commonly receive from our clients. If you have any other questions about our Ohio deer or turkey hunting opportunities, please feel free to contact us.
Q. Are deer tags available over the counter in Ohio?
A. Yes! Ohio deer tags are over the counter.
Q. How much do licenses and tags cost?
A. Ohio has one of the country's most affordable deer hunting licenses/tags! A non-resident annual hunting license was $180.96, and a non-resident either-sex deer permit was $76.96. Always verify the current season's costs on the Ohio DNR website.
Q. Are crossbows legal during archery season in Ohio?
A. Yes, you may use crossbows or compound bows during archery deer season in Ohio
Q. Are mechanical broadheads allowed?
A. You may use either mechanical broadheads or fixed broadheads. Fixed broadheads are a reliable, durable, and trouble-free choice. However, many of today's faster crossbows require mechanical broadheads since fixed broadheads may shoot inconsistently in high-speed 400+ crossbows. You are not required to use one or the other. Just make sure your broadhead choice works for your particular archery equipment.
Q. Are the deer free-range?
A. Yes, they are! There are no high fences here. We are a 100% fair chase Ohio outfitter.
Q. How good is the deer hunting?
A. At Rut Chasers, we have excellent farms with many trophy bucks. The "success rate" depends on many factors, including weather, the hunter's effort, and preparation. In Ohio, most of the season is archery, which can have its own challenges. In the 2023/2024 season, we had around 25 misses, and nearly every client had at least one opportunity at a shooter buck. Some had multiple opportunities while deer hunting, and either they were successful, did not execute,e or chose to pass. For anyone looking to improve odds during your hunt, we suggest having patience (many times, our hunters want to move, and the buck we waited for showed up while they moved to another stand).
Q. What can I do to help improve my chances of success during my deer hunt?
A. It is true that there are things that we cannot control, but there are also many things you can do to give yourself the best possible chance of harvesting a trophy buck in Ohio. Scent control, staying still, staying alert, keeping those extra blind windows closed, being prepared, listing to your guide, sitting as long as we recommend for your particular hunt, and making sure your equipment is ready and sighted in are all significant aspects and will significantly increase your chances at harvesting the Ohio buck of a lifetime!
Q. What types of stands or blinds do you have?
A. We utilize everything from blinds to ladder stands and lock-on stands. The types of stands we choose for a given spot depend on what works for that area. We realize some of our hunters may have physical limitations. So, if you have any issues, please let us know beforehand because it helps us prepare better for everyone's hunt.
Q. Do you recommend doing all-day sits or just hunting in the morning and evenings?
A. Depending on the time of the year will determine how we hunt. During the early and late seasons, we don't typically hunt in the mornings. The morning hunts can be more detrimental because the deer are already on the bait as hunters walk in. During and around the rut, we usually encourage all-day sits. We do realize everyone has limitations. If you are hunting the late October / November hunt, please let us know if you plan to do all-day sits so we can better prepare for everyone's hunt.
Q. How does a deer hunt work with Rut Chasers?
A. Upon arrival, we will show you where you will be hunting. We will stay in contact with you during your hunt to make sure everything is good. We may move you to a different farm or stand depending on what we see on the cameras, but please be patient. Our hunters often want to move locations, and their target buck shows up the next day! Once you pull the trigger, let us know. We will have you back out. We will give the deer some time to expire and then track it together. We will track your deer. Then, we will field dress your deer and help drag your deer out of the field. At that point, you may want to take your deer to a local processor to prep for your trip home. Don't forget to visit our deer hunting page for more information and pricing.
Q. Are meals and lodging included?
A. Meals are not included. If you want us to set it up, lodging may be included. Or, for a slightly cheaper hunt, you can provide your lodging.
Q. Do you process deer at Rut Chasers?
A. We do not provide deer processing. However, several deer processors in our area will either process your deer or simply skin and quarter it for you if you wish.
Q. What is included in the hunt?
A. Lodging is usually included unless you choose to book your own. One of our guides will show you your hunting property and stand location. We also track and help in deer retrieval and field dressing. From there, you must prep the deer for your trip home. Local meat processors can prepare your meat and trophy for your departure. We also have a great local taxidermist who can mount your trophy if you wish!
Q. What is NOT included in the price of the hunt?
A. Here is what is not included in the cost of your hunt: meals, transportation to the field, license/deer tags, gratuity, meat processing, and taxidermy.
Q. How are your turkey hunts conducted?
A. We offer both guided and do-it-yourself Ohio turkey hunting on a limited basis. Visit our turkey hunting page for more info.
Q. Is lodging included for the turkey hunts?
A. Lodging is included for the guided hunts. For the DIY hunts, you will need to book your own lodging.
Q. Are meals included on turkey hunts
A. Meals are not included.
Q. Do you provide blinds for your turkey hunts?
A. The guided hunts include using our blinds. However, for the DIY hunts, you will need to furnish your own hunting blinds and decoys.
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